Topic of the Week
Context: The advancement of the world wide web has brought opportunities for individuals to exchange relevant information. Blogs, message boards, e-mails, and community websites (i.e. friendster, myspace) have served as avenues for many internet users to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions regarding any topic they may desire to discuss. However, like any form of communication in the real world, there are many drawbacks and limitations that users and readers must be aware of. In previous weeks, we have discussed issues on the internet such as the limitations to pornography and software sharing. But one of the most important topics that should bring awareness not just to journalists but to all web users is the limitation to freedom of speech in blogs. As bloggers and readers, do you think blogging should be limited? Many might contest that we may write anything in our personal blogs. After all, they are avenues to freedom of expression. But do blogs make a special exception from the rules in the real world?