The New Phase of Journalism
Are bloggers journalists? I believe that in some way they are. Here’s how: Blogs are online journals right? Therefore, those who write in blogs are journal-ists. This concludes my article on how bloggers are journalists.
HAHA kidding!
Funny. No? Oh.
Well kidding aside, there are actually 3 important pointers on why bloggers should take the same responsibility as that of professional journalists.
Pointer # 1: With great power comes great responsibility. Yes, this is one of those instances when the words of the late Ben Parker are used once again. When you blog, keep in mind that fellow bloggers or even those outside the blogging community are reading what you write. The internet has given you the power to influence people, and it is up to you to use this power wisely. For instance, most weblog sites allow others to comment on what you wrote, and you can reply in return. If someone made a comment that something in your blog is inaccurate, you can correct it right away. If you can, do so. There are no clear-cut guidelines on how to blog responsibly- you can only trust your own judgment. If your Spidey senses tell you that what you are about to write can hurt somebody or misinform people, then you should not write it at all. This brings me to my next point.
Pointer # 2: Bloggers are not immune from libel. Libel means you defame someone by writing something that damages his or her reputation. Libel is punishable by law. You should be very careful, because assuming that you do not have much knowledge on journalism practices, media law, and such, personal legal liability can be used against you.
Pointer # 3: Journalists have a passion for writing, and so should you. Blogging is one of the gifts given by advances in technology. With it you are free to be biased and unedited, you can write about anything under the sun or beyond it. Just remember when to draw the line, because even when you are online and having a bit of anonymity, you are still accountable for whatever you say.
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